The Wise Friend

The Wise Friend

The Wise Friend 1

Four friends had gone on a trekking expedition deep into the forest. They had camped in a clearing. The friends took turn in keeping watch.

Mid night had crossed and the forest was turning wilder. Many night animals had started to growl. A pack of wolves came hunting in that area. Wolves are very bold animals and do not fear any other animal.

They are not even afraid of human beings. In fact, they savour human flesh.

As the leader wolf approached the camp site of the friends, human smell travelled in the air and entered his nostrils. “Friends, we have got nice meal today.

Some human beings have camped here. If we attack them now we can kill them,” he howled. The other wolves in the pack followed the leader to the camp site.

The friend who was in watch heard the howling sound of the wolves. Although he was filled with fear, he set out to enact the play he had learnt. He made all his friends lie still as though they were dead.

The wolves came there and were disappointed at the persons lying still They mistook them for dead persons and left the place. The friends had escaped.


Moral: Wisdom Saves Life

Moral Stories for Kids Short

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