The Victorious Vikramarka

The Victorious Vikramarka

The Victorious Vikramarka 1

Vikramarka placed the dead body in front of the sage. The sage said, “O King, first purify yourself by taking a dip in the nearby pond. Accordingly, Vikramarka purified himself in the water and came back.

The sage then said, “Now, please lie on the ground and bow to the goddess.”

Vikramarka replied, “O sage, I am a king, I have only seen people bowing

on the ground in front of me. I have never bowed to anyone like that before. Kindly show me how I have to do it.”

The sage agreed and laid down in front of the goddess. Immediately, Vikramarka took out his sword and in one quick move, killed the sage.

As soon as he did that, the goddess appeared in front of him. She said, “I am pleased with your sacrifice.

You have now gained the power over the Bhetala.” After blessing him, the goddess vanished.

Bhetala then said t0 the king, “O Vikramarka, now I am under power. Whenever you think of me. I will stand infront of you.

You have the power to order me to do whatever you want. ”Vikramarka smiled and said,
“Bhetala, you are free to go now. If I ever need you, I will certainly call you.”

Bhetala praised Vikramarka’s bravery, intelligence and generosity.

He took the kind’s leave and vanished. Vikramarka returned victorious to his king-dom.

Vikram and Betal Short Stories

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