The Preacher and Smart Boy Story

The Preacher and Smart Boy Story

The Preacher and Smart Boy Story 1

Once there was a preacher who was in the habit of giving elaborate lectures on moral values. He never considered to whom he was preaching. Many a time people got irritated by his action.

There was a young boy named Ram in the village. Whenever he went to play with his friends, he used to throw some stones into the pits he came across. His friends found this habit a strange one. They tried to know the reason for Ram’s strange habit, but Ram never disclosed the reason.

The friends took this matter to the preacher. “Ram, why are you throwing stones into the pits?” asked the preacher. “Guruji, I am trying to level the whole earth by filling all the pits,” replied Ram.

Don’t be foolish, Ram. You cannot fill all the pits and the earth can never be levelled, said the preacher. ‘“When you think you can correct all the people, why can’t I level the earth?” asked Ram.

Just then did the preacher understand his foolishness. From then on, he was very prudential in his work.


Moral: Be Wise In Your Acts

Moral Stories for Kids Short

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