The Hunter and Monkey Story

The Hunter and Monkey Story

The Hunter and Monkey Story 1

A hunter made his living by hunting wild animals and selling their flesh and hide in the local market. He was a very effective hunter. His aim never missed.

Once, he found two monkeys playing. He took his bow and slung arrow. A young monkey, who was high up on a tree, saw him and ran to him and pleaded, “Dear hunter, I have heard of you. You are very good at hunting. But, please spare us. That is my mother and the other is my brother.

We are a family. Please. Don’t spoil our family.” The hunter was touched by the family attachment. He promised, “I shall not kill any more monkeys.”

When the hunter returned home, he saw all his neighbours running here and there. When they saw him, one of his neighbours came running and said, “You are a very lucky person. There was a fire in the neighbourhood. But, your home is very safe. So is your family.” The hunter thought to himself, “God has j spared my family because I had spared the family of the monkey.”


Moral: Good Deeds Are Well Rewarded

Moral Stories for Kids Short

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