The Herb and the Tree

The Herb and the Tree

The Herb and the Tree 1

In a dense forest a new herb started growing near a big tree. The tree looked down at the herb and boasted, “How small you are! I am so big and strong. I am so handsome. People come and rest under my shade.

I house many animals and birds. I am always filled with the songs of birds and roars of animals. But, look at you. You get stamped by all animals and even small birds easily pluck your leaves and leave you wounded.”

The herb replied modestly, “My friend, it is not important whether one is small or big. It is most important to survive. I am made to be small and you are made to be big.

We all serve the same purpose – the purpose of ecological balance.” The big tree made fun of the herb and took the words lightly.

Monsoon had set. There was a heavy rain. The tree looked at the herb and said, “See how strong I am!” Even before the tree finished, a very strong wind blew.

In a moment, the big tree was uprooted and fell down with a loud noise. The small herb looked at the fallen tree and said with sympathy, “My friend, at least now understand the purpose of our living. Size does not matter.”


Moral: Pride Becomes Fall

Moral Stories for Kids Short

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