The Gambler Wisdom Story

The Gambler Wisdom Story

The Gambler Wisdom Story 2

There were two gamblers, Ramu and Somu, who were addicted to playing the dice game all the time.

While Ramu was very straight forward and honest in his game, Somu had the habit of cheating and his game was full of foul play. Every time Somu thought that he was going to lose, he swallowed the dice and acted as if it was lost and say, “Sorry Ramu, the dice is missing.

I think the game has come to a draw. I think I need not pay you the money.” Ramu believed in the words of Somu and say, “What is wrong in this my friend? What can you do if he dice is lost? You need not pay the bet amount.”

One day, Ramu found out that Somu was cheating. In order to teach him a lesson, Ramu soaked the dice in mild poison and brought it to play. As usual, when Somu found that he was going to be the loser, he swallowed the dice. To his grief, Somu fell terribly sick.

Ramu visited him and said, “Soon you shall be normal my friend. I have talked with the doctor. I wanted to teach you a small lesson for always cheating. Don t ever be a cheater. Somu understood and felt sorry for his degraded behaviour.

The Gambler Wisdom Story 1


Moral: Never Cheat, Even if it is a Game

Moral Stories for Kids Short

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