The Calves and the Piglet

The Calves and the Piglet

The Calves and the Piglet 1

There lived a peasant who had a big farm. In his farmyard, he had some sheds where he had some domestic animals. There were two calves and a piglet in the lot.

The peasant used to feed the piglet with very healthy food. He let the calves graze by themselves he did not much bother about feeding them. Once in a while he fed them with some hay and grass.

The younger calf was very sad about the partiality of the peasant. He complained with the elder calf, “Dear brother! look at our master. He always feeds the piglet with very healthy food and leaves us to search for our food.” The elder calf consoled his younger brother, “Oh! Don’t worry little brother.

There is always a reason for everybody’s action. People always grow piglets so that they can have a nice meal one day.”

True to the words of the elder brother, the marriage function of the peasant’s daughter came. The peasant took the piglet, killed it, and served many dishes out of it to the guests, who all ate very happily and enjoyed the function.

Now, the younger calf was happy that they were alive.


Moral: Never Envy Without Knowing The Ends

Moral Stories for Kids Short

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