The Royal Ball

The Royal Ball Soon, the evening of the ball had ap-proached. Since morning that day, Cinderella was appointed by her stepmother to take care of her daughter’s needs. She stood by their side all through the day attending to their smallest needs and assisting in their preparations for the ball. Cinderella was kept engaged every … Read more

The King’s Invitation

The King's Invitation 3

The King’s Invitation The king of that country had an only son who was young and about to be married. The king wished to get the prince married at the earliest, after which he planned him to crown him as the King of his country. As soon as he decided so, the king passed on … Read more

Cinderella’s Woes

Cinderella’s Woes 3

Cinderella’s Woes Cinderella bore all the troubles she faced silently. She had no courage to complain about her hardships to her father lor two reasons. One being, her father who was by then, totally under the spell of his second wife would not believe her and the second being, she did not want to hurt … Read more

The Unfortunate Child

The Unfortunate Child Long long ago, there was a very rich man who was employed in the court of the King. He had a beautiful wife who was gentle and kind. A few years later, the couple was blessed with a baby girl who was as beautiful as her mother and the three of them … Read more

Cindrella – The Charming Princess

Cindrella - The Charming Princess 2

Cindrella – The Charming Princess The Unfortunate Child Cinderella’s Woes The King’s Invitation The Royal Ball Fairy-The Godmother Cinderella-The Beauty Yet Another Ball A shoe That’s Lost Tracing The Unknown Princess Lost & Found All’s Well That Ends Well The Sleeping Beauty The Baby Princess Entry of the Old Fairy The Wicked Fairy’s Curse Fast … Read more

Freed From Curse

Freed From Curse After being sent out of the house, not knowing what to do, the disciples roamed on the roads of the village and finally reached the back entrance of the palace. They entered the palace through it slowly when the guards were busy and started roaming in the palace too. Soon, they reached … Read more

The Wedding Farce

The Wedding Farce 3

The Wedding Farce Paramanandaiah and his wife decided to get their daughter married. Accordingly they started their search for a good match for her. They also spread a word in the village that they were looking for a good groom and requested their acquaintances to refer suitable matches. In the same village, lived a matchmaker … Read more

Crossing The Stream

Crossing The Stream One day, Paramanandaiah instructed his disciples to visit a neighbouring villaee on some urgent work. In order to reach that village, they had to cross a stream. Though they were a little hesitant about crossing the stream, out of respect for their teacher, they agreed and promised to accomplish the task. They … Read more

Respecting The Guests

Respecting The Guests 4

Respecting The Guests One day, when Paramanandaiah was away from home, one of his distant relatives came to his house on some urgent work. Somidevamma welcomed him and spoke to him for a little while. As she had daily chores to attend to, she gave the responsibility of looking after the guest to Paramanandaiah’s disciples … Read more

Horse for The Master

Horse for The Master 3

Horse for The Master Paramanandaiah owned a bullock cart on which he used to travel from one village to another. One day, Paramanandaiah went to the neighbouring village and returned late in the night. Somidevamma and his disciples were worried about his safety and did not wink to sleep till he returned. As soon as … Read more