Cinderella-The Beauty

Cinderella-The Beauty

Cinderella-The Beauty 2

Soon, Cinderella reached the royal palace where the ball was being held and walked in to it cautiously. On one side was Cinderella, who was nervously trying to trace her family amidst the huge crowd and on the other side was the crowd that was enthralled by the beauty of the lady who had just made an entrance.

While the whole crowd fell silent as she walked in, the king himself bent a little further to catch a good sight of the beautiful Cinderella and told the queen, “It’s been ages since I have seen such a beauty. I am sure the prince would take her hand for a dance tonight.

Cinderella - The Beauty 1

For the next few moments nothing was heard, except the curious murmurs of the crowd that said, “How beautiful she is!” repeatedly. While the ladies cast envious glances at her well designed dress and made note to get such a dress stitched immediately, the men looked at her in awe completely forgetting the presence of their respective partners.

The prince, who was also mesmerized by her beauty, removed himself from the presence of his other guests and swiftly walked forward to welcome the most beautiful guest of that evening. Taking her hand into his, he invited her for a dance, to which she agreed graciously. As she danced in rhythm gracefully with the prince, the gathering could not help admiring her more and more.

Among those who were awestruck by her beauty and manners, was her entire family who did nothing but watch her continuously. They could not for once, recognize that the divine beauty was none other than their Cinder maid, whom they have left behind.

While dancing, Cinderella happened to move towards one of her stepsisters, where she accidentally slipped her diamond bracelet.

Her sister, who was waiting desperately to strike a conversation with the princess, quickly grabbed the opportunity, picked the bracelet and ran towards her to return it to her. “Your Highness! You have dropped your bracelet back there,” She said as sweetly as he could.

Looking at her affectionately, Cinderella replied, “I insist that you should keep it with you.” Saying so, she moved away from her for the fear of being caught. But her sister look no notice of anything else that evening, as she was engrossed watching the unknown princess and the bracelet she received as a gift from her.

Cinderella very well remembered the fairy’s caution to return home before midnight. Exactly at eleven hours and three quarters, she took the prince’s leave and left the ball hurriedly even before he could follow her.

She quickly reached her house and then requested the fairy to transform her into her usual self. With a wave of a wand, was again transformed into a girl in s who looked beautiful but dirty.

When she heard the footsteps of her sisters, she quickly ran in to the kitchen and stayed there till she heard the knock at the door. “You have stayed very late,” she said as she opened the door and walked back in to the kitchen pretending as if she was up from a deep sleep. So excited were the sisters that they ran behind her to share the news of the beautiful princess they saw.

“There was a beautiful princess at the ball who stole the entire evening. Neither the prince nor any one else could take their eyes off her,” one said. “True! You have missed such a great beauty. One cannot praise that beauty in words. You must have been there at the ball to know what she really looked like,” the other said.

Pretending as if she was amazed at the news, Cinderella said, “Who is she and where has she come from? Wish I too was there to have a look at her!” Sighing aloud, the sisters said, “That’s the trouble. No one really knows where she had come from. She hadn’t said even a single word about herself even to the prince who danced with her the whole evening. She left as suddenly as she came.”

Picking out the bracelet from her purse, one of them said, “Look at this magnificent piece. I was gifted this by her. Must say! i was lucky to share a few moments with her.” Cinderella looked at the bracelet for a few moments as she was thrilled at the mere sight of it and said to her sister, “Oh! I wish I could see the beautiful lady, whom this bracelet belonged to. Couldn’t you please lend me your yellow frock tomorrow so that even I can make it to the ball?”

Both her sisters laughed at her at once and replied, “Dear Cinder maid! Of what use would be the yellow dress to you? You the sisters said, “That’s the trouble. No one really knows where she had come from. She hadn’t said even a single word about herself even to the prince who danced with her the whole evening. She left as suddenly as she came.”

Picking out the bracelet from her purse, one of them said, “Look at this magnificent piece. I was gifted this by her. Must say! I was lucky to share a few moments with her.” Cinderella looked at the bracer let lor a few moments as she was thrilled at the mere sight of it and said to her sister, “Oh! 1 wish I could see the beautiful lady, whom this bracelet belonged to. Couldn’t you please lend me your yellow frock tomorrow so that even I can make it to the ball?”

Both her sisters laughed at her at once and replied, “Dear Cinder maid! Of what use would be the yellow dress to you? You have neither the grace nor the beauty to wear it and attend the ball too.” Ridiculing her desire to make it to the ball, her sisters continued their talk about the beautiful princess they encountered.

Smiling secretly at their ignorance, Cinderella feigned curiosity for some more time and excused herself saying that she wanted to get some sleep. In reality, she couldn’t wink an eyelid out of excitement of the evening’s splendid events. She just looked forward to another ball that was declared by the prince on the next evening.

Cindrella – The Charming Princess

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