The Wicked Fairy’s Curse

The Wicked Fairy's Curse 3

The Wicked Fairy’s Curse Soon, the christening ceremony commenced and the fairies went to the little princess, one after the other to give their gifts. While one gifted her exquisite beauty, the other one blessed that the princess would have the wit of an Angel. One blessed her with lovely dancing skills that would enchant … Read more

Entry of the Old Fairy

Entry of the Old Fairy Now, the Old fairy who was not invited was a wicked one and practiced witchcrafts too. She somehow came to know that the royal couple had been blessed with a beautiful child and though uninvited, she came to the ceremony. She was annoyed with the King for having insulted her. … Read more

The Baby Princess

The Baby Princess 3

The Baby Princess Once upon a time, there lived a King and a Queen. The king was handsome and wealthy. The queen was kind and beautiful. The king looked after the people of his kingdom with utmost care and the queen was no lesser to him in virtues. Unlike most of the other royal families … Read more

All’s Well That Ends Well

All’s Well That Ends Well 1

All’s Well That Ends Well The prince’s and Cinderella’s wedding took place in the palace in a grand, memorable manner in the presence of both the families and thousands of people. While everyone praised the beauty and the virtuousness of the young bride, the prince looked at his wife with pride-filled eyes. Soon after their … Read more

Lost & Found

Lost & Found Cinderella first washed dirt off her face and hands. She combed her hair neatly and adjusted her dirty rags as decently as she could. Then she slowly came down the steps and bowed before the prince. The prince, though found her to be very good looking, could not recognize her, as her … Read more

Tracing The Unknown Princess

Tracing The Unknown Princess The prince who by then, was head over heels in love with Cinderella decided to marry none except her. When all his trials to trace the unknown beauty failed, he went to his father, the King with the golden shoe and said, “Father! I am sure you have seen the beautiful … Read more

A shoe That’s Lost

A shoe That’s Lost The next day too, everything had happened as the previous two days. Her sisters again dressed up beautifully with the help of Cinderella and wished not to find the unknown beauty in that day’s ball, so that the prince would look at them. Soon after her family left, without wasting even … Read more

Yet Another Ball

Yet Another Ball 3

Yet Another Ball The next day too, Cinderella’s sisters chose their best clothing and got ready for the ball. Cinderella assisted them voluntarily and dressed them up appropriately for the occasion. In the heart of her hearts, she herself w as wondering what she would wear for the evening to come. As soon as her … Read more

Cinderella-The Beauty

Cinderella-The Beauty Soon, Cinderella reached the royal palace where the ball was being held and walked in to it cautiously. On one side was Cinderella, who was nervously trying to trace her family amidst the huge crowd and on the other side was the crowd that was enthralled by the beauty of the lady who … Read more

Fairy-The Godmother

Fairy-The Godmother 3

Fairy-The Godmother Grieved by her helplessness, Cinderella quickly ran to her mother’s grave and sat beneath the hazel tree crying aloud. A fairy that knew Cinderella’s sad story watched her daily from the hazel tree. “I would be her Godmother,” she often thought out of pity, deciding to help her whenever she was in need. … Read more