All’s Well That Ends Well

All’s Well That Ends Well

All’s Well That Ends Well 2

The prince’s and Cinderella’s wedding took place in the palace in a grand, memorable manner in the presence of both the families and thousands of people. While everyone praised the beauty and the virtuousness of the young bride, the prince looked at his wife with pride-filled eyes.

Soon after their wedding, Cinderella shouldered the responsibility of getting both her sisters married.

She sought the permission of the king and the queen to let her sisters stay in the palace till they got married. She shared all her belongings with her sisters, which embarrassed them more, as every kind gesture of Cinderella reminded them of their bad treatment towards her.

Soon, under her care and affection, her sisters overcame their guilt and shared a great rapport with their lovely sister, Cinderella. After a few days, Cinderella got her sisters married to lords of their court, who were equally noble and rich as the prince.

Cinderella forcot neither her mother nor the hazel tree. She visited her mother’s grave often not only to pay respects to her b t also to meet her Godmother, the fairy.

During one of her early visits, the fairy taught Cinderella how to behave like a queen and said, “My child! While beauty in a woman is always admired by one and all, graciousness is her real treasure that is of greater value. Beauty might fade away but graciousness would remain the same, forever. Keep all your virtues safe within you, no matter what heights you achieve in life.”

Cinderella remembered the words of her godmother throughout her entire life and remained as humble as she was, when she was just a Cinder Maid.

People remembered her not only for her beauty but also her graciousness and good nature. True! It’s a fairy tale of a beautiful girl who rose from rags to riches not just because of her beauty but also because of her endless virtues.

Cinder maid or Cinderella, she would always remain close to hearts of millions who simply adore her for what she is, just like her Prince charming…

Cindrella – The Charming Princess

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